The Villages Resident Lifestyle Club-Empower YOUR Power
The Power of Choice Village Neighbors Magazine Feature Story Title: Meet Nancy Stampahar and Mary Ellen Shea… Sub-Title: Teaching women...
10 Common Retirement Challenges
Learning about the 10 common retirement challenges known as sand traps can help you have a smoother retirement lifestyle.
Thriving Solo – Rediscovering Yourself After Loss
Written by Nancy Stampahar for Villages Neighbors Magazine When you lose your spouse or partner, you are forced to travel on an unknown...
The Retirement Identity Crisis – Who are you?
This retirement identity post will help you discover who you are without your job title and roles. You are so much more than your career.
When Life Gives You Lemons - Make the Best Lemonade!
Life is unpredictable, full of changes and sour lemons, especially as we age. Learn what it takes to make the best lemonade in retirement.
It’s Never Too Late to Get Happy
Written by Nancy Stampahar Retirement Life Coach Nancy for Village Neighbors Magazine September 2022 Village of Sanibel resident, Nancy...
Retirement 563 - The non-financial aspects of retirement life.
Learn how to plan for smooth retirement transitions and get reoriented after experiencing common retirement challenges. This is your time!
10 Worries Older Americans Face
The golden years aren't always so golden. Retirees experience challenges. This article states the 10 worries older Americans face.
6 Ways a Life Coach Can Improve Your Retirement
A retirement life coach can help figure out what will bring you purpose and meaning in your retirement lifestyle and your second act.
Rethinking Retirement
Today's retirement is different than previous generations. It is time to rethink how we retire and live a long, happy and productive life.
5 Secrets to a Happy Retirement
Retirement has many surprises. Knowing tips for a happy retirement can help you find greater purpose and meaning in retirement.